
Tabernanthe Iboga Mother Tincture

Original price was: $170.00.Current price is: $100.00.


tabernanthe iboga seeds It’s difficult to have a conversation around the use of psychedelics in addiction treatment without bringing up iboga — a traditional plant medicine from Central Africa.

This plant forces you to confront your deepest, darkest traumas and suppressed thoughts, bringing them to the surface where they can be integrated and healed.

But this doesn’t come without its fair share of risk.

Here, we’ll explore iboga, and its active ingredient, ibogaine, in more detail. You’ll learn how it’s used, how it works, and what you need to know before seeking treatment.

What is Ibogaine?

Ibogaine is a psychedelic alkaloid found in several species of plants in the Apocynaceae family. The most common species used is Tabernanthe iboga — a tropical shrub from the Congo.

Other species can also be used to obtain this alkaloid, including Voacanga africana and Tabernaemontana undulata. It can also be synthesized from its precursor compound, voacangine.

Ibogaine has a long history of use as an appetite suppressant and spiritual medicine. It was first discovered by the Pygmy tribes of Central Africa, who used the plant for spiritual and divination purposes.

It wasn’t until recently that ibogaine first made its debut as an anti-addiction medicine. This is now the most common application for the plant today.

Unfortunately, ibogaine brings some health risks that make it a less desirable psychedelic for addiction treatment than other substances like ayahuasca, 5-MeO-DMT, and ketamine — all of which have a much better safety profile.

Ibogaine: Specs & Technical Details

Active Ingredients Ibogaine
Level of Risk Moderate-High
Most Common Side-Effects Arrhythmias, nausea/vomiting
Duration of Effects 8–24 hours
Legality Illegal in most countries (Some exceptions)


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